Touhou Hisoutensoku (often shortened to Soku) is an anime-style fighting game with an active, friendly community, set in the Touhou universe.
The game features unique gameplay mechanics with a strong focus on mobility and projectiles.
Soku is easy to learn thanks to relatively easy execution & defensive options; and has a high skill ceiling with frequent meta shifts pushed by veteran players after years of practice.
There are currently player(s) in-game and player(s) waiting for an opponent.
The game enjoys commentated weekly tournaments, regular online and offline events for beginners and veteran players, commentated duels, and was featured in AnimEVO / Vortex Gallery 2020 & 2021 & 2022, Frosty Faustings 2020 & 2022 & 2023, Combo Breaker 2022, ...
Most players play the community maintained version of Hisoutensoku, Soku Launcher (previously Soku Rewired), which offers modern fighting game features such as rollback netcode, an in-game lobby, enhanced training mode with hitbox viewers, Discord rich presence integration, and other tweaks; that are well integrated into the game to preserve the indie anime fighting game feeling.
The game is played worldwide by more than 1,000 players, and features an average of 50,000 games per month. The modding community maintains an online replay database with more than 700,000+ game replays stored over the past 2 years, as well as a leaderboard with a profile & ranking for each player.

The community maintained pack, Soku Launcher (previously Soku Rewired), is the recommended version for a modern online fighting game experience. Download the zip file below, extract it and run th123e.exe
to play the game.
With Soku Launcher, hosting/joining a game is as simple as opening the VS Network menu and hosting. There is no need for additional configuration, networking, or scorefile setup.
Download Soku Launcher
(password: soku
The community maintained pack, the Soku Launcher mod pack, is the recommended version for a modern online fighting game experience. The pack is a zip file that should be extracted into a Touhou Hisoutensoku install.
First, buy the official game (for example on eBay, AkibaHobby, or Mandarake). You can also buy Touhou 10.5 Scarlet Weather Rapsody to unlock the full character cast. In which case, make sure to link the two games.
Then, set up your game by updating to v1.10a, getting the unlock score file, and installing the English patch.
Then, download the zip file below and follow these simple video instructions.
With Soku Launcher, hosting/joining a game is as simple as opening the VS Network menu and hosting.
Download Soku Launcher (mod pack)
(password: soku
This entertaining 7-minute video presents the main mechanics of the game.
There are many resources available to Soku players, both general and character-specific, for new and experienced players. The two main entrypoints for resources are:
The #hisouten Discord server linked below, in particular its
channel - The Hisoutensoku Wiki, with extensive guides, moves lists and frames data.
The Soku community is diverse, with multiple global servers and many local region-specific communities.
The main global community is the #hisouten
Discord server linked below. With many resources linked in its #resources
channel, active community and regular tournaments, this is the main hub for all things Soku.
There are several Discord communities for each region (France, Brazil, Southeast Asia, Russia, and many others). These servers are listed on the Hisoutensoku Wiki.